is health science journal legitimate

Such conference organizers harvest emails from university websites and send requests to academics, some of whom, unfortunately, use the opportunity to take vacations. It started out promisingly but as has become commonplace, financial pressures turned a great old idea into a harsh reality. Todd thinks anyone that lies, has the IQ of a Neanderthal or just a "Walmart shopper" is a Trump supporter - fact is more lies are now being told by opposition, and a poll done on Walmart shoppers showed over 60% voted for Hillary! Guess who is involved here again? University Affairs uses cookies and other tracking tools to offer you a better experience when you visit our site. The journal publishes original research papers at the forefront of health sciences. How stupid do they think we are? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fortunately, our customers don’t pay us to be right. Hi Marc Dubé. From a basic fact checking standpoint, the above chemicals are present in the forms of propolis listed above. I will report to my credit company to stop payment. I don't even subscribe to the HSI and HSI charged to my credit card $35/month and there is no cancellation info or contact. The former publisher of Pulsus, who she suspects was duped by OMICS, sent a note to her saying that editors at some of the Pulsus journals were vilifying him. Manners anyone?!). “The barriers to launching a new operation are few and low,” Mr. Beall says. Much of the information is true about Trump, the Hillary Cartel and the part about the FDI promoting pharma and suppressing nutritional solutions... and they're are in hopes that IF you will buy into the things that ARE true... THEN you will sign up for their little scam. However, unlike legitimate journals, they bombard academics with spam emails, accept almost all submissions and overstate the rigour of their peer-review processes. They publish a variety of ebooks, including Insider’s Book of Secrets: The Real Cures Buried by Clinton’s Cartel, the product to which the viral stories and videos link with the offer of a “free” download if you join the institute. In other cases, authors are complicit in the scam, publishing numerous articles in these questionable journals to earn quick and easy academic credit at their institutions. What the viral campaign markets as sour honey actually refers to a substance termed propolis, which is a substance created by bees and described in a 2016 study that sought to uncover its chemical variability: Propolis is characterized as a complex and resinous mixture produced by bees (Apis melífera) through the collection of variable vegetable sources. Read the abstract portions of peer reviewed journal articles for information regarding the effectiveness of health/medical treatments. Beall’s List, the popular blacklist website compiled by Mr. Beall, contains more than 1,200 publications and 1,000 publishers that he calls potentially predatory. But really the biggest issue is that HSI spends lots of time and effort attempting to scare you into following their medical recommendations, when they freely admit that people should follow the advice and treatment of their doctors, and should not interpret their information as “personal medical advice.” This is simply an unethical way of providing information to people, especially when it comes to issues of health and medical care. It's still on YouTube. By 2015, it claimed over 700 journals, although about half of them were defunct. I am not a fan of HRC, but that is entirely beside the point. An OMICS representative in Dubai offered her a contract position. Then again, they’re targeting Trump’s base, so yeah, if they believe him, they’ll believe this crap. Out of the the ashes this high cost predatory publisher has emerged. He also prescribed diabetes meds and a blood pressure pill. This COMPANY IS A SCAM. Obviously, they are guilty of false advertising at the very least. Haha. However, I'm looking for some natural remedies, so I took screen shots of their "prime information," and plan to independently research and get real reviews. This journal is a part of the Nigerian Medical Association. The person who wrote this article was unbiased and offered an unbiased view of this organization. “Some have also accepted roles as editors or editorial board members of these journals,” he wrote. “I discovered spelling and grammatical errors” – mistakes that any high school student could have fixed. The FTC noted that OMICS made false statements that some of its journals were included in PubMed and MEDLINE, two reputable academic-journal indexing services. Will Compression Clothing Make You Thinner? After being asked to buy more products at a higher price and I couldn’t confirm my original purchase, I backed out and deleted everything I put in there without confirming my purchase. The Health Science Journal. I am joining knowing (confirm please) I can get a refund of my $37.00 anytime! Hopefully I can find more than just "don't fall for it," and associated insults (keep in mind this IS predatory advertising to seniors, who are ALWAYS targeted; and it's cleverly done so they don't generally know until it's too late. “I didn’t want to be associated with anyone like that.” She quit not long after the Dubai call and began sending emails to the AJPI journals where she’d worked. Canada’s francophone academics are not immune to the issue, even though most of these predatory journals publish in English. “Everyone just freaked out,” she says. Stay away from it. The Health Sciences Institute is part of a company called NewMarket Health, which is just one asset of a Baltimore-based publishing empire named Agora Inc. Agora’s subsidiaries and affiliates publish more than 40 newsletters and sell more than 300 books on a range of topics, including biblical health tips, natural-healing supplements, and “insider” investment advice […]. In the social sciences there are a number of Canadian journals that use the Open Journal System (OJS). European Journal of Educational Research (EUJER) (note: this is a different journal to the legitimate EU-JER journal – note different websites) European Journal of Educational Sciences (EJES) European Journal of Engineering Research and Science (EJERS) CAPE sourced from propolis has been shown to be effective at inhibiting the growth of breast cancer in cell line studies. In fact, this model is fairly common. Brazilian red propolis contains mainly newly discovered unique cancer-fighting compounds, including vestitol and formononetin. Each week, MDPI and other questionable publishers hound Dr. Lee by email, asking her to review submissions that she considers shoddy. Mr. Beall has called this particular environmental publication a “pretend journal.” So when Dr. Lee next saw the biology student, she alerted her to the potential problems and redirected her to more credible scholarly publications, such as FACETS, a Canadian open access journal. The Health Sciences Institute (HSI), found online at, describes themselves as an independent organization that is dedicated to “uncovering” the most urgent advances in underground medicine. In other cases, editors-in-chief are resigning. In another instance, HSI promoted a cure for cancer allegedly found in the Bible to the mailing list of evangelical presidential candidate and former governor Mike Huckabee. The journal is a Bi-annual Publication. This had a Molbank section where you could upload one molecule syntheses as fully OA papers, no cost to authors, no cost to read them. Some Online Journals Will Publish Fake Science, For A Fee : Shots - Health News When medical research is published in a peer-reviewed journal, the presumption is … Using scare tactics as they do and going along with their subject for the scare tactics, sounds very much like the GOP or a Russian hacker wanting to sell misinformation along with their idiot claims. To me that is sad wouldn’t be wonderful to find a miracle cure!!! And embarrassed occasionally […]. To stop this in government we need limitations of term like the presidency to two terms then get out! These people were far more crooked than they claim Hillary was right from the beginning, which I don’t believe anyway. “Sour Honey” and the “Health Sciences Institute”. Probiotics have been linked to helping improve and even cure a variety of health conditions, from colic in infants to yeast infections in women to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and even cancer. I cant believe I got scammed by these crooks!., This organization re-brands Trumps playbook to focus on "healthcare". Open Access and predatory or vanity publishing are not synonymous. Instead, we’re expected only to be diligent and honest, and to explore the unconventional, the often disreputable, and always edgy shades of the idea spectrum. One even ended up as a citation in Wikipedia. What branch of the government do you work for. Titles of his blog posts denouncing predatory journals and publishers include, “More Rubbish from Hyderabad: Peertechz” and “>OMICS International Totally Sucks.” Mr. Beall classifies both Peertechz and OMICS as predatory publishers. Welcome to the Health Sciences Institute Dedicated to uncovering and researching the most urgent advances in modern underground medicine. Journal of Heart Health and Circulation - - Pediatric Emergency Care and Medicine: Open Access - - Journal of Healthcare Communications - Citations Report: Research & Reviews: Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences - - Journal of Medical Implants & Surgery - - Cancer Surgery - - Research & Reviews: Journal of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy - - African Health Sciences acknowledges support provided by the African Health Journals Partnership Project that is funded by the US National Institutes of Health (through the National Library of Medicine and the Fogarty International Center) and facilitated by the Council of Science Editors. Until it was recently tested in a lab and delivered these near-miraculous results. Editor’s note, Jan. 18, 2017: Jeffrey Beall, the University of Colorado Denver librarian behind Beall’s List of “potential, possible or probable” predatory journals, has removed all information from his site. Still, not knowing much about OMICS, she agreed to help in the transition at the Pulsus Group. Where do they get the money? A 2015 investigation by Mother Jones looked into this group, finding it to have a long history of using politically charged language to promote unverified or fringe ideas: The Health Sciences Institute is part of a company called NewMarket Health, which is just one asset of a Baltimore-based publishing empire named Agora Inc. Agora’s subsidiaries and affiliates publish more than 40 newsletters and sell more than 300 books on a range of topics, including biblical health tips, natural-healing supplements, and “insider” investment advice […]. Health Science Reports is an international, open access journal that publishes research and commentaries from across all medical and health sciences disciplines.The journal welcomes clinical studies, as well as reports on methods and research design, health services, public health, and medical education and practice. Research, Research, Research anything that sounds too good to be true and especially if your health depends on it! This past September, the Toronto Star reported that six of the journals, including the Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine and the Canadian Journal of Optometry, terminated their publishing contracts with OMICS. “Some students and faculty … are quite gullible,” Dr. Lee says. I wasn’t aware that some OA journals don’t charge a fee to the authors. Belief is good, but belief with verification is best! If you can just use the info as educational meaning to learn more about some medical alternatives it is enlightening. I wonder where they get their financial resources from …. Agree HSI is a total Scam. That being said the books were a welcome addition to our natural library. One editor said he Googled OMICS and discovered on a Wikipedia page that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission had filed complaint against the company a month earlier. A few days after purchasing the books, I get an email from them making the offer to purchase them.This soulnds like a scam and am notifying my credit card company. Some of these extra reports will be provided as free bonuses, while other times they will be extras available for purchase. the buildup to the November 2016 presidential election, a viral marketing campaign attempted to promote a substance dubbed Brazilian “sour honey” as a cure for cancer which Hillary Clinton and her “Crooked Cartel” were trying to hide from the public for their own personal financial gain. It was informative regarding topics: Pain, Cancer, Heart, Asthma/copd, Anti-Aging, Energy, Weight Loss, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Memory, Immune System. It publishes original papers, reviews and short reports on all aspects of the science, philosophy, and practice of public health.. The video could have been in the range of 5 minutes and reminded me somewhat of a doctor I dropped a few years back. She’d had a bad experience with the journal in question, the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, while doing a review for the publication. The website says that customers can choose one of two subscription types, either their regular twelve month subscription which costs $74.00, or their subscription specifically for seniors, which is provided at $37.00 but is described as also being a twelve month subscription which also offers all the same bonus gifts as the regular subscription. I sent them e-mails to take the charge off but, they come back with,”we will get to you ASAP”. P.s.s. And indeed, animal studies of artepillin-C from Brazilian propolis have demonstrated potential in fighting breast or prostate cancer. Hi teekay. You’re right that you can figure out a predatory journal using its website, mainly by noting the basic errors, but it’s not true that an indicator is ‘a substantial amount of articles published by academics on the global periphery.’ The global periphery, however you define it, has nothing to do with it, other than what I wrote in my article. Is Health Science Institute scam or it has a great solution for real health issues? OMICS Publishing Group is a predatory publisher of open access academic journals. Its strategy is to saturate scholarly publishing with its low-quality and poorly managed journals, aiming to squeeze out and acquire legitimate publishers.”, Complicating the situation, OMICS and other predatory journals use fake impact-factor companies to make themselves appear more legitimate than they really are. High priority will be given to articles on public, rural, adolescent, community, environmental and occupational health, and so on. I always choose traditional (even when I had a research grant before retirement), and guess what: after 6 months the articles become essentially open access ….. American Journal of Health Research (AJHR) provides a forum for sharing timely and up-to-date publication of scientific research and review articles. The Health Sciences Institute is intended to provide cutting-edge health information. Relevant articles from other disciplines of allied health professions may be considered for publication. […]. We can/should talk about global inequalities, better education and research funding for academics and higher education systems on said periphery, but in the meantime you can pretty much spot a predatory journal the moment you access their ‘.com’ website…. It took so long it talked me right out of ordering. Publication Reputation: Publishing in Legitimate Journals Predatory publishers run online journals that abuse the open access model and will accept almost any paper submitted. Ten other journals contacted by the Star didn’t respond to emails. “Most predatory journals have an impact-factor number,” he adds, but “they either lie or hire a company to contrive one, and they use the number on their websites and in emails to make it look like they’re authentic.”. Journal of Health Science Studies (JHSS) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to the advancement in all fields of health sciences. Some examples: Nature Publishing Group (now part of Springer), 36 journals; Oxford University Press, 27 journals; even Elsevier, 263 journals. Unfortunately HIS will get rich in the process. Visit our, Canada Research Chair on the Transformations of Scholarly Communication,, Spend a few minutes searching on the following websites for the publisher or journal in question: Beall’s List (, which contains blacklisted publishers and journals, as well as so-called hijacked journals; and. JRHS is a peer-reviewed, scientific publication which is produced quarterly and is a multidisciplinary journal in the field of public health, publishing contributions from Epidemiology, … I called the number listed in the info above (888-213-0764) and in the menu, press 3 to get a refund. “There’s one legitimate impact-factor supplier, and it’s Thomson Reuters,” says Mr. Beall. Social Sciences (ISSN 2076-0760) is an international, open access journal with rapid peer-review, which publishes works from a wide range of fields, including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, political science, psychology, social policy, social work, sociology and so on. I read the reviews they aren’t good. Take the time to read articles in the journal that you’re interested in and research the journal itself. Its subsidiaries include iMedPub LTD and Conference Series LLC LTD.Other organisations linked to OMICS are EuroSciCon Ltd, Allied Academies, Trade Science Inc, and Meetings International. It’s become more difficult to hear real signals – to hear about real, relevant scientific discoveries.”, In an effort to alert academics, Mr. Beall updated his Beall’s List to include both AJPI and Pulsus as possible predators and wrote about the panic among staff and editors at many Canadian medical journals. All publishing models cost money, it’s just where the most burden lies that changes. Savvy deans such as Dr. Lee at UFV are trying to raise awareness about these issues. Global Journal of Health Science (Glob J Health Sci) You named at least several highly reputable, OA excellent journals. – Many OA journals don’t charge APCs (it’s true especially in social sciences and humanities). Confuse even vigilant academics and formononetin was long but I think they want to help.! 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is health science journal legitimate 2021