_g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); Once you learn these 7 harsh realities of life, you’ll be much stronger. ... MORE IN LIFE. They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future. We see images everywhere today, Starbucks even uses the two-tailed mermaid as their logo. The right time is now, so get out there and get what you want. I would look at the behaviour of many of my friends and quite easily distinguish that I, for the most part, handled many things far more “responsibly” than they did. One harsh reality of life is that long introductions to an article like this one can be boring at times, so it's important we take you straight to the point. The Babylonians worshipped a fish-tailed god named Oannes. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { What area of your life is calling for some sort of purging, cleansing, empowerment, and/or transformation? What are some harsh realities of life? May 3, 2020 #5. oldethennew said: 9 Easy Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make In Your Instant Pot. The polo-necked king of the iPhone said it best: “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Life is beautiful. Lachlan Brown Not lonely, but alone. Life is Short. Feeling miserable? 7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand "No matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. They come with losses, lessons and triumphs. They are also depicted in ancient Vedic lore, the story of Suvannamaccha, for example, comes from the Asian versions of ancient Hindu mythology. Find it. This New Moon is aligned with Pluto which is also in Capricorn. Capricorn is associated with structure, ambitions, achieving goals, mastery, business, career, social status, responsibilities, duty, authority, governance, and hard work. Hall goes on to explain. 1 Most of the Time You Stand in Your Own Way. Your Feelings Are Largely Irrelevant. The 6 Biggest Mistakes Job-Seekers Make On Cover Letters. Let us hear your view on this matter. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); What are some harsh realities of life? 9 Easy Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make In Your Instant Pot. She is also held to be an astral entity in various metaphysical circles, in the mermaiding industry she is often marketed as an ambassador for marine preservation, and in the general pervasiveness of this character, competing with inhuman beings such as vampires, werewolves, and angels in the heavily mediated realm of contemporary culture, the mermaid represents an additional opportunity to invest in an other-than-human identity. Being a millionaire isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Even though we are technically advanced, we are traveling back when it comes to seeking the real meaning of life. 7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand Millennials. Then check out our free eBook Attraction Triggers. This element is very much orientated around the physical and material world. Here is the list of harsh realities of life. Certain developments, interactions, connections, or issues that occur at this time can be connected to how this retrograde will affect us in February through its adjusting and perceptive changing qualities. Try to understand the difference to avoid unnecessary suffering. Believe that God loves you and Jesus died for you. Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today, because, for some people, tomorrow never comes. It is cliche, I know, but one of the simplest truths of life is that even the longest lifespans of humans or a blink in time comparatively. These are some harsh truths and realities of life that you have to face, no matter how difficult it is for you to do so. 7 Harsh Realities That Come With Taking Full Responsibility For Your Life "Adulthood" comes to all of us at different times in our life. Perhaps there are many concepts of our reality that remain unknown to us? Let’s not forget about modern day quantum physics and neuroscience and their close correlation with ancient eastern philosophy and buddhism. To learn more about all of this, I recommend reading my Pluto in Capricorn article from 2017 here and my more recent Great Conjunction article here. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle and new wave of energy for the coming month; however, the astrological configurations mentioned in this article will be more prominent over the following two weeks. It sparked so much controversy that the Mayor offered a million dollar reward for a photograph. 7 Harsh Realities That Go On in the ‘Homes’ of Foreign Workers in Malaysia. Look what we are doing to life on this planet…. You will be alone most of the time. Don’t expect any sugar-coating here. How many hours a day do you spend on social media? HOME FRONT. Lead 7 Harsh Truths About Life That No One Wants to Accept There are things we don't want to happe n, but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn. “What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.”. No excuses. If you were hoping for the same fluffy and friendly life advice about life that you get in other places, think again. Beauty seems to be the keynote of the water spirits. In describing them, the ancients agreed on certain salient features. They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future. Your Feelings Are Largely Irrelevant. Follow me on Instagram here. What’s always attractive about mythology is that there are good reasons to believe that a lot of it isn’t actually mythological, but real in some cases. This is why, in my opinion, it’s not hard at all believing that forms of life, invisible to our senses, also dwell in the ether and in realms we cannot perceive with our senses. 7 Harsh Realities Of Going On 'Vacation' With A Toddler. It’s a state of mind, a way of operating in the world. 104 shares; Facebook; Twitter; Email; Pinterest; If you were hoping for the same fluffy and friendly life advice about life that you get in other places, think again. 8 Harsh Realities of Life. His lead taunted the youth of today: His lead taunted the youth of today: It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show. Get out there and find something that makes you happy. So … HOME FRONT. This has been more obvious in recent years as Saturn, the Lunar South Node, and Jupiter have all joined Pluto in the same sign. By. July 15, 2017, 5:35 am. 2236. Learn These 7 Harsh Realities Of Life, And You’ll Be Much Stronger. Being a millionaire isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Life is Short. This can have a serious tone, and perhaps the need to be realistic, cautious, orderly, disciplined, committed, or responsible, may come up. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); So here it is: “I am Nature” by Alex Eslam, written by Die Rabauken. By Mark DeNicola “Adulthood” comes to all of us at different times in our life. Doing tasks may require extra patience and caution. Here is an important tip you should remember throughout the … Do you need to be more innovative when it comes to making money? Photo credit: Ramakien Murals depicting the hero Hanuman meeting the mermaid Suvannamaccha, Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok, Thailand, 1831. These are the 7 harsh realities of life. Other beings would be nature spirits like fairies or gnomes who, according to the lore, can also appear in our ‘dimensional’ reality as well, on our frequency, if they choose to do so. This is obviously quite understandable, but remember that those who actually spoke about these creatures and studied the lore are certain some of these so-called mythological concepts were completely real. Following this, the Sun will be making aspects to Jupiter, Uranus, and Mars in the last week of January and into the first few days of February which can trigger some of the energies mentioned earlier in this section. Also in ancient lore, the goddess Atargatis, chief goddess of northern Syria, was depicted as a fish-bodied human, supposedly constituting the first known representation of a mermaid. We have no clue about what’s going on with us and what our actual job on earth is. This will continue to be a big theme over the remaining years of Pluto in Capricorn and beyond. 7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand – The Burning Platform. Submitted by The Libertarian Republic, via The Burning Platform blog, Millennials. In general, nearly all the Undines closely resemble human beings in appearance and size, though the ones inhabiting small streams and fountains were of correspondingly of lesser proportions. Here’s one of my latest videos. They come after doubts and exploring the unknowns. HARSH REALITIES OF LIFE DISCUSSION BOARD. These are the 7 harsh realities of life. The answer is simple: Give yourself a day to be completely present. 7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand. Follow. For some of us living in the corporate world, or doing any job we are unsatisfied with, we might not even realize we are living out our days on auto-pilot. Once you learn these 7 harsh realities of life, you’ll be much stronger . 1. by nomadrs July 11, 2018, 5:56 am. It is cliche, I know, but one of the simplest truths of life is that even the longest lifespans of humans or a blink in time comparatively. We’ve Been Distracting Ourselves a Lot, 7. These seven home truths may be hard to hear, but they are guaranteed to help you sort your crap out and get your life together. “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”. 4. May 3, 2020 #5. 2; Show all; Anthony256 Member. We are having a New Moon in Capricorn on January 13th throughout most of the world and on the night of the 12th in Central to Western North America. Pluto rules investments, taboos, transmutation, hidden matters, repressed feelings, shadows, psychoanalysis, and the underworld. Once you learn these 7 harsh realities of life, you’ll be much stronger If you were hoping for the same fluffy and friendly life advice about life that you get in other places, think again. So now is as good a time as any to start making ones that align with what you actually want. By TFPP Writer Published March 10, 2017 at 7:46pm Share on Facebook Tweet Share Email Print. In the end, it’s far better to be your true self and let some people hate that, than change who you are and have a bunch of different people hate you anyways. They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future. According to Greek mythology, mermaids, also known as sirens, were predatory in nature, masters in the art of seduction. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.” (Steve Jobs). Work/Life. But it’s also hard, and messy, and exhausting, and temperamental, and sad. At Collective Evolution and CETV, this is a big part of our mission. Most importantly, it will teach you practical techniques to activate those triggers in your man so you can build a successful long-lasting relationship. News. Here’s a great quote that illustrates that: “And they allowed Apollonius to ask questions; and he asked them of what they thought the cosmos was composed; but they replied; “Of elements.” “Are there then four?” he asked. 7 HARSH Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand. 2. Now you’ve had the un-sugar-coated truth, what will you do today to start getting your shit together? 2236. Cutting Edge Conscious Media. 7 HARSH Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand. Even if you go out of your way to be a people pleaser (which I would never suggest), there will always be someone or many someones who do not support you. It was believed that these water spirits were occasionally capable of assuming the appearance of normal human beings and actually associating with men and women. Millennials. However, they are great reminders to live by which will help us be much stronger. Whether you think you might become a millionaire or just want to know how the 1 percent lives, check out the harsh realities of … “People are telling us they are sure they have seen the mermaid and they are all independent of each other,” said Natti Zilberman, a local council spokesman, as she spoke to ABC News. If you choose not to mention harsh realities then please go to another thread. Source: Utusan Online There have even been claims of recent sightings. Food & Drink. Have something missing? Why is that so? Could there be a whole world we don't know about our there? Being spiritual doesn’t eliminate hardships; it just makes them bearable.’ ‘Suppressed emotions are dangerous to your health and relationships because they sometimes erupt violently.’ ‘Embrace failure for it eradicates fake friends.’ Whether you think you might become a millionaire or just want to know how the 1 percent lives, check out the harsh realities of … C.E. Click here for more information or to order. Pinterest. We can get so caught up with the business of life that we forget the joy of it, and go about our days unconsciously, with no idea how much self-awareness we have lost. The short story below really illustrates that point while the meme that follows reveals the 7 harsh realities of life liberals will never understand: Because someone posted speech on a free speech wall, everybody is freaking out at Ohio University. Conflicts around boundaries or restrictions can play out. Follow me on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, and YOUTUBE for more astrology-related content. It can also be destructive, heavy, controlling, intense, subversive, obsessive, compulsive, jealous, power seeking, authoritarian, abusive, violent, manipulative, and dark. If you keep waiting for the right time, the right place or the right situation, all you’ll find is yourself waiting on your deathbed with a list of regrets about things you never did. What changes do you need to make when it comes to your ambitions, career, structures, or business matters? Google+. Conflicts around beliefs, opinions, judgements, and principles can play out. consciousreminder. Being spiritual doesn’t eliminate hardships; it just makes them bearable.’ ‘Suppressed emotions are dangerous to your health and relationships because they sometimes erupt violently.’ ‘Embrace failure for it eradicates fake friends.’ As a side note, we have a powerful course inside our membership area called CETV that helps to bring presence and self awareness to your everyday life through a simple set of tools. People from your past should stay there, in the past. But it does mean that we can no longer expect the world to cater to us. If you’re ready to take personal responsibility and improve your life, I invite you to apply these seven harsh truths today. Negatively, Capricorn energy can be too serious, cynical, cold, controlling, and unrelenting. While I’m not suggesting that we stop trying to achieve success, or even that kind of astonishing overnight success, it seems that with maturity we recognize it’s not only not worth pinning our hopes on, but also not really that desireable. 8 Harsh Realities of Life. Absolutely not. Carrying and nurturing a baby for 9 months creates an indescribable, unparalleled bond between mother and child. Perhaps these ‘elementals’ differ from other creatures that are closer to our own frequency? _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Lachlan Brown posted a fascinating article on the 8 harsh realities of life that I try to live by but don’t always succeed. That’s fine, but when you fall off that horse (or kiss that frog), dust yourself off and get straight back up again. I hope you have enjoyed reading this article. Evaluate how you feel when you wake up, when you go to work, when you are at work, how you communicate with others, etc. Always interesting to explore There are many truths waiting to be discovered that would completely change our perception of not only our planet but also the nature of reality itself. If you liked this article, you may enjoy subscribing to me on YouTube. Watching TV? } In an interview with Utusan, she recalled how tough the bathroom situation was. Chatting to colleagues about their sisters, cousins, dog? I’m currently doing a DISCOUNT with 20-30% off personal readings. Don’t stop living just because you didn’t get it right the first time. But when our time of mourning was over after each tragedy, we pressed forward, stronger, and with a greater understanding and respect for life. So brace yourself… try { However, it can also be a time of anger, impulsiveness, and rebelliousness towards obstacles, restrictions, opinions, beliefs, authority figures, as well as other recent or upcoming developments, circumstances, or changes. It has nothing to do with the legal age we can drink, or drive a car, or get married, and it’s not … Facebook. They come with losses, lessons and triumphs. Somebody who promises one to remain in your own life during a difficult time they will leave you; You will see a lot of temporary friends than permanent ones. It can seem quite cold, but it is one of the realities of life. With all of the lore that exists, it's not hard to imagine these beings could be real. Get a personalized astrology reading with Carmen (author of this article) specific to you based on your exact birth date, time, and location. It can bring a new, stimulating, unusual, exciting, inspiring, liberating, unexpected, or unique energy around our relations with others. Very few movies have had an impact on me in the same way that this movie did. Another great example is Nikola Tesla, who derived his ideas of “free energy” and electrical generators from ancient Vedic concepts. by Lachlan Brown July 15, 2017, 5:35 am. “The only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.” (Aristotle). Advertisement - story continues below. According to Hall, from The Secret Teachings of All Ages. And to receive my free eBook on 5 Simple Daily Hacks For A Genuinely Happier Life and to be one of the first to find out about the release of my upcoming book click HERE. Directed by Stéphane Brizé. These days, it’s not just knowing information and facts that will create change, it’s changing ourselves, how we go about communicating, and re-assessing the underlying stories, ideas and beliefs that form our world. Your life is what it is right now because of the collection of decisions you’ve made up to this point. We see this in many examples, Plato’s (among others before and after him) description of Atlantis could be one, especially when you tie in all of the evidence that’s emerged of its existence. 1. Another example could be people with ‘superhuman’ abilities, like clairvoyance, telepathy, and psychokinesis that we find in a lot of Buddhist and other ancient Eastern texts. Facebook. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. We may feel like doing things in a big way but it’s important to be cautious around what we do because we can more easily apply ourselves in a way that is overextending, overestimating, or overlooking of important things. Being a pretty well behaved teen, I often had people tell me from as young as 13 that I was incredibly mature for my age. 0. The more we acknowledge it, the more uncomfortable it becomes, and eventually, it will become so uncomfortable that we finally decide to just take action, and wonder why we didn’t do it before. After all, look what we’ve done to the oceans and continue to do. What are you fighting for and what can you do to be more calculated, effective, and persuasive? Nothing hurts us more than the truth. Looking through pictures on your phone? Wherever we find them pictured in art or sculpture, they abound in symmetry and grace. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. Food & Drink. This can also reflect surprises, positive changes, or freeing type of developments around financial matters. It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show. “Not four,” said Larchas,  “but five.” “And how can there be a fifth,” said Apollonius, “alongside of water and air and earth and fire?” “There is the ether,” replied the other, “which we must regard as the stuff of which gods are made; for just as all mortal creatures inhale the wire, so do immortal and divine natures inhale the ether.” “Am I,” said Appollonius, “to regard the universe as a living creature?” “Yes,” said the other. Kind regards, Sam X _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); You can click here to see what that is in your time zone. We post important content to Telegram daily so we don't have to rely on Facebook. Surabhi Nijhawan Updated on Oct 11, 2015, 15:44 IST. It would mean the world to me if you click the subscribe button below. During this New Moon, from January 12th-14th, Mars is in a square with Saturn which is the first exact aspect made between these four planets. Don’t look back. 9 Little Things Therapists Do When They’re Having A Crappy Day. Thanks for posting a very entertaining blog. Harsh financial realities force Jurgen Klopp to admit Liverpool unlikely to bring in defensive reinforcements Liverpool manager without three senior centre-backs ahead of FA Cup third-round clash against an Aston Villa side that put seven past them in the league But fame still isn’t in the cards for all of us. Let us hear your view on this matter. It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show. by nomadrs July 11, 2018, 5:56 am. Posted on June 9, 2020 June 9, 2020 by Ruth Hargrave. This is particularly interesting because that’s another thing that’s been spoken of in ancient “mythology” for so long, but now physics is showing it to be true. 1.2 K Shares. While this is certainly the case throughout all of our lives, it usually isn’t until we enter maturity that we acknowledge this as not only common but acceptable. The mermaid blurs the boundary between woman and fish, femininity and carnality, land and sea, human and other. 7) Life isn’t perfect. People get hit by buses, they crash their cars, and they have heart attacks. This energy can be freedom seeking, rebellious, scattered, idealistic, or even risk taking. However, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. Learn These 7 Harsh Realities Of Life, And You’ll Be Much Stronger. I certainly thought it did, until about a year ago, when I concluded that the true sign of maturity is when an individual takes full responsibility for their life. Thursday, Mar 10, 2016 - 23:55. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that G od hath raised him from the … Gain more astrological insight into what is going on in your life and have a better understanding of your individual potentials. Venus in Capricorn is in a square with Chiron in Aries at the time of this New Moon and in the day leading up to it. He goes on to describe stories of these water spirits and their adoption by families. We live in a time when instant fame has never seemed more attainable. If you want to own a multi-million dollar company that earns money for you even while you sleep, you have to start it and stick with it! Can it actually change your DNA? While money might improve quality of life, it doesn’t bring happiness — nor does it erase people’s problems. Our actions can be faced with obstacles, delays, resistance, or limitations. It could be good for exploring, learning, education, or expansiveness around things that are new to us, unconventional, technological, scientific, progressive, or metaphysical. It’s not the right time to have children. 7. What are you really feeling? Capricorn season began on the December 21st solstice, just over three weeks prior to this lunation, and will end on January 19th/20th when Aquarius season begins. They will help you get a grip on your life and prepare you for whatever is yet to come. 6d. consciousreminder. Gain more astrological insight into what is going on in your life and have a better understanding of your individual potentials. One study in the Journal of Academic Study of Religion explains. Joe and Dr. Madhava Setty deliver a special report aimed at gaining clarity around the COVID-19 vaccine. A fragmented account of the life of Jeanne as she sets out on the path of adult life and gradually experiences the harsh realities of a woman's life in the 19th-century. Feeding a child and giving her life … 5 years ago. It’s easy to get demotivated and lose hope. We do know of one, however, called Neptune. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. According to one of the foremost authorities on the subject, Manly P. Hall (from his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages), the Undines, as they were also known, were water elementals, that function “in the invisible, spiritual essence called humid (or liquid) ether. If you were hoping for the same fluffy and friendly life advice about life that you get in other places, think again. It shocks me how many people are somehow surprised when they realize the harsh realities of life and business. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 6 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Pinterest. Their temperament is said to be vital, and to them has been given as their throne the western corner of creation. You need to accept that fact in order to be happy. Pluto in Capricorn article from 2017 here, rom his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Twitter. Zack Minott. I’m about to break the first rule of Fight Club: Don’t talk about Fight Club. The action oriented Mars recently changed signs into Taurus on January 6th/7th and has since been approaching Uranus, the planet of surprises and rebellion, in the same sign. Mermaids have been written about by several cultures across multiple time periods, from Babylon till now. Here is my list of 7 seemingly harsh realities that kick in when you decide to take full responsibility for your life: 1. Whether it’s an old friend that you can’t trust anymore or a failed relationship, keep moving forward. HARSH REALITIES OF LIFE DISCUSSION BOARD. 13 Harsh Realities About Life That You Are Better Off Accepting. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); So how do you find out who you really are and what you really want out of life? Their shortcomings include limited experience as property owners, limited understanding … Wellness. What can you do to make your profession more congruent with a changing world? This can bring up wounds, blockages, negative patterns, or can reflect themes around healing, holistic perception, or perhaps solutions when it comes to love, our social life, friends, pleasures, values, or monetary issues. Twitter. We fill our days with distractions, identify yours, limit your time on them, and you’ll suddenly find there are more productive hours in the day than you originally thought. Collective Evolution. In the moment, things may happen to us — some far more challenging, scary, or unwanted than others — but regardless of what that thing is, it’s our reaction to it that dictates how much it is going to impact our lives. In an interview with Utusan, she recalled how tough the bathroom situation was. These are Harsh realities indeed, one of the realities have faced as a blogger is that you can not make it to the top in one day, you have to work hard and keep going no matter the obstacles you face, facing difficulties is a sign you are doing the right thing,with lot of hard work and commitment, then you can make it to the top. , at the ripe old age of 28, I invite you to apply these seven Harsh truths of.... Consider or focus your intentions on at this time Brown and shares practical tips and strategies to help you a. Period, the Sun will be there until 2024 any to start getting your together. Time ” is spoken so often that it has become a meaningless.... 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Viruses, death, fears as well as fearlessness been ignoring the Harsh Realities about that... Venus is also in a trine with Uranus from the 21st while it is that we not. Help others live a more mindful and awesome life channel and I ’ currently! Kind of Harsh life matter how hard you try the past a day of your life does not dismiss existence... Academic study of Religion explains and CETV, engage with these courses and more here and one of.. Editor of hack Spirit has over 30,000 subscribers receiving Lachlan ’ s problems of life... Not hard to imagine these beings could be real and shares practical tips and strategies to help you a... Notifications and anything else that might distract you and Jesus died for you Undines interestingly and! Never seemed more attainable know, this one is tough – but no matter how hard you try the can. Hall, from the 19th is said to be the keynote of the time ” is spoken so often it. 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